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Gorilla 5.0 Features, Improvements & Fixes

Gorilla 5.0 Features & Improvements over previous versions
|| View Screenshots || Watch a Video || 5.1.2 Fixes

1 [New Feature] More user-friendly. Gorilla 5 has been completely redesigned from scratch with a brand new interface.
2 [New Feature] Slick Drag and Drop stripboard with new and improved sorting, auto-add day breaks, banners, boneyard, and unscheduled strips features.
3 [New Feature] Budget now includes 4th level. You can import an Excel spreadsheet and attach it to any detail line item.
4 [New Feature] Projects can now have multiple schedules and multiple budgets in an easy-to-use auto schedule and auto-budget loader. It makes loading saved schedules and budgets effortless.
5 [New Feature] New Gorilla Toolbar on all modules. Navigation has never been easier. Each module has a specialized toolbar to navigate to different screens. Move the toolbar to any part of the screen and it remains there for easy access.
6 [New Feature] On-screen help. Many Gorilla screens now have a More Info button on the top-right hand side of the screen to clearly explain what to do on the screen you are on.
7 [New Feature] Mouse scroll support for all lists.
8 [New Feature] Unlimited Breakdown Categories. Create as many breakdown categories for your schedule as you need.
9 [New Feature] Jazz up your projects by customizing the font, size, format and color of any text field.
10 [New Feature] Calendar module has been greatly enhanced to include color-coded events and phases, customized labels and displays crew scheduled for each shoot day.
11 [New Feature] Phases can now be flagged as Non-Shoot Days to allow for complete pre and post production planning.
12 [New Feature] When creating a new budget from scratch you can use Gorilla's Auto Budget Builder, which allows you to save and load Production Groups with your customized account numbering system for use over and over again.
13 [New Feature]

Budgets can now be linked to any schedule for that project. Since you can have multiple schedules for each project, you can link a schedule to any budget. Linking allows for easy importing of schedule information to the budget for that schedule.

14 [New Feature] Budget Topsheets can now have multiple production totals. Create a production total for any set of accounts.
15 [New Feature] Use color to brighten up your budget. Color-code accounts, production totals, detail line items for easy grouping.
16 [New Feature] Fringes have been completely redesigned and are much easier to use and manage. You can now save Fringe Groups and transfer them to any budget. Fringes are now divided into two sections, fringes by percentage or fringes by flat rate. You can also attach as many fringes to any detail line item from any fringe group.
17 [New Feature]

Globals have been completely redesigned and are much easier to use and manage. You can now save Global Groups and transfer them to any budget. Globals can now be used for the fields Amount, X, and Rate.

18 [New Feature] Easily block a detail line item by selecting a checkbox. This item can now be blocked from budget reports.
19 [New Feature]

Multiple Currency support. You can now specify a currency for each detail line item. A budget can now have multiple currencies. Create and store as many currencies as you want.

20 [New Feature]

New Contact Manager. Create a single contact record and attach them to an actor profile, multiple crew positions, an agent/manager profile and/or an other contact profile. Attach multiple addresses, phones, e-mails to any contact record.

21 [New Feature] Contact Photo Manager. Attach multiple photos to actors and crew.
22 [New Feature]

Rates now attached to the actors and crew module. You can look-up a rate for an actor or a crew member. Later, you can them move that rate to the budget that is linked to that schedule.

23 [New Feature] Completely redesigned Locations module. Attach multiple photos to any location. Rearrange photos in the new photo gallery by dragging and dropping. Use Gorilla's built-in photo library complete with hundreds of location photos or import your own photos to give your project a unique look.
24 [New Feature] Google Maps is built-in to Gorilla's location module. Just enter the address and Gorilla will map it for you.
25 [New Feature]

New Location Fact Sheet includes the ability to add specific location information for your locations including equipment, parking, sound, electrical, construction and many other location facts.

26 [New Feature] Storyboard and Shots module has been completely redesigned allowing you to create shots for each scene using Gorilla's built in shot graphics. Includes over 50 shot types and graphics. You can import your own storyboard images and then rearrange your shots on the Storyboard canvas by dragging and dropping. Save multiple shot scenarios in setup groups. Attach any element, equipment, vehicles and camera information for each shot.
27 [New Feature]

Ratebook is completely updated to allow easy viewing of all rates for any union selected in a flip-page format. Seamless integration from the budget to the Ratebook is greatly enhanced.

Gorilla 5.6.2 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [Bug Fix] Import elements into budget did not import rate. This has been fixed.
2 [Bug Fix] Cast Type in Elements was reset every time a new cast type was added to the list. This has been fixed.
3 [Bug Fix] Entering lower case text in Section/Production Total would overlay upper case text. This has been fixed.
4 [Bug Fix] Cleaned up transactions that had an empty Money account attached to them.
5 [Bug Fix] Sorting Accounts when selecting a transaction in the Expenses module was very slow. Fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Exporting Call Sheet to Koala Call Sheets did not sort scenes in stripboard order. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.5.4 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [Bug Fix] Saving Photos in the Contacts module did not save. This has been fixed.
2 [Bug Fix] Register FDX screenplay plugin loses registration if software is open for a few hours. This has been fixed.
3 [Bug Fix] Sometimes default board would slip causing DOOD (Day out of Days report) to not properly run. This has been fixed.
4 [Bug Fix] Breakdown Sheet Summary - Synopsis would run into Page Count if 100 characters long.
5 [Bug Fix] Budget Reports: Captions would run into Budget Header. Fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Whole Pg Count did not import with FDX file. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.5.3 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [Bug Fix] Authorization on Windows 8/8.1 Fixed.
2 [Bug Fix] After importing a screenplay a table-view screen of Create Categories stayed in the background. This has been removed.
3 [Bug Fix] Locations: Phone entry for contacts did not format non-US/Canada phone entries.
4 [Improvement] Contact info added to Location Fact Sheet report.
5 [Bug Fix] Fixed print estimated time on stripboard report.
6 [Bug Fix] If no records found in Category List report (i.e. Extras), report went into a loop. This has been fixed.
7 [Bug Fix] Storyboard: Elements in Shot did not print Storyboard. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.5.2 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Added preference to print synopsis on Shooting Schedule report.
2 [Improvement] Import Final Draft FDX files from Final Draft 9 improved.
3 [Improvement] Copy & Paste option added to 4th level Budgeting level.
4 [Bug Fix] Add new Crew Department in Contact Manager fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] Find Music category in 2014 Ratebook did not work. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.5.0 & 5.5.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Supports 2014 Ratebook
2 [New Feature] Imports Final Draft FDX files from Final Draft 9.
3 [New Feature] Ability to print Script Day and Script Page on Stripboard.
4 [Improvement] Export to Koala now sorts breakdowns based on stripboard in Gorilla.
5 [Improvement] Can now export to Koala if only one shoot day exists.
6 [Improvement] Improvements to StoryO import
7 [Improvement] Ability to export a Koala Call Sheets .tab file to Koala Call Sheets 1.0.7.
8 [Bug Fix] There was sometimes an issue with duplicate board ID's for Cast Members in the Elements module, this has been fixed.
9 [Bug Fix] Day Schedule report now displays banners.
10 [Bug Fix] Update sort numbers in account module did not always work properly. This has been fixed.
11 [Bug Fix] Copy/paste function is now available in character detail of elements module.
12 [Bug Fix] Importing elements from another schedule did not always work properly. This has been fixed.
13 [Bug Fix] Sort account numbers did not always sort properly in the Account level of the budget. This has been fixed.
14 [Bug Fix] Adding a money account in the Account level of the budget in 5.5.0 did not always work properly. This has been fixed.
15 [Bug Fix] Page Count was not properly displaying on the Stripboard in 5.5.0. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.1.6 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [Bug Fix] End Date on the Calendar could not be changed. This has been fixed.
2 [Bug Fix] 600K Documentary sample budget fixed.

Gorilla 5.1.5 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [Improvement] Importing screenplays from the .sex file format that have not been properly formatted as: INT. HOUSE - DAY (for example) will be adjusted upon import so that the SET and TIME OF DAY will be imported properly.
2 [Bug Fix] Budget Topsheet: Delete row command from the pull-down menu will now delete a production total line and all accounts associated with it.
3 [Bug Fix] Budget Topsheet: Fixed some issues with Insert Production Total.
4 [Bug Fix] Repopulate Board ID’s: If the Board ID was locked it would sometimes change it and assign that ID to another Cast Member. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] Banners were not always showing up in One Line report. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Day out of Days: Day 36 was not always calculating correctly. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.1.4 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Added Clear All Board ID’s feature to Elements module. This feature will clear all board ID’s for all categories for the loaded schedule whether the Board ID is locked or not.
2 [Improvement] Estimated time for strips now appears in Portrait print-out of Stripboard.
3 [Bug Fix] In expense tracking, if there exists more than one account, sometimes transactions would appear in the second account. This has been fixed.
4 [Bug Fix] Custom Shots were not always being added properly. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] Element Detail window on breakdown sheets displayed in Title Case. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] If Days Held Before Drop was empty when running a DOOD report, a possible error could occur. To remedy, a default value of 10 (SAG recommendation) is entered if this field is left empty.
7 [Bug Fix] Sorting by Board ID (for Elements) in the Breakdown Sheets screen did not always work properly. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] If a stripboard was not saved before deleting a banner, the board would sometimes revert back to the previously saved board. Warnings have now been put in place if the board is not saved.
9 [Bug Fix] When printing a call sheet and you select a non-default production phase, crew would not always print.
This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.1.3 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] You can now export your shot list including scene info for that shot to a tab separated text file.
2 [Improvement] Added the ability to copy text in the Stripboard for a banner so that you can paste it in a new banner or another banner.
3 [Improvement] Budget Balance report now provides sums for Variance and Amount Paid.
4 [Bug Fix] Vehicles for Shot in the Storyboard module did not always get saved in the schedule file. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] Location photos would sometimes display photos from another loaded project. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] In previous versions you could not edit a custom shot name. Now you can edit the shot type name.
7 [Bug Fix] Using the “Push Breakdown Sheet” command on the Breakdown Sheets screen would push that breakdown sheet to all stripboards regardless of the phase it was in. Now it only add the strip to the stripboard(s) for the selected phase.
8 [Bug Fix] When exporting to Koala Call Sheets, all phases would export which could result in duplicate shoot days if the same shoot day appeared in multiple phases. This has been changed so that Gorilla exports only the current phase. Additional phases can be exported to a separate Koala file.

Gorilla 5.1.2 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes (includes 5.1.1)
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] New report: Actors, Photos, Scenes: prints actors, role played, default phone/e-mail, and the scenes they are in.
2 [New Feature] Added an option to print the One-Line Schedule report with Character Names instead of Board ID’s.
3 [New Feature] Elements and their Scenes report can now be filtered by breakdown category.
4 [New Feature] Added the ability to export character description information from the Elements module to a tab-separated text or Excel file.
5 [Bug Fix] Location photos would not always save properly when saving a schedule file. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Shot List/No Storyboard report was not properly sorting. It now sorts by Scene Number.
7 [Bug Fix] DOOD report was not properly counting PW or PWD in the total days worked summary. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] Notes on the Detail level for a detail line item in the Budget would not save to an external budget (.grb) file. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.1.0 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Gorilla 5.1 supports The Gorilla Ratebook 2013.
2 [New Feature] Gorilla 5.1 integrates with Koala Call Sheets (new product coming Q1 2013). Gorilla 5.1 also contains a sneak peek demo of Koala Call Sheets.
3 [New Feature] New report in the Contacts module for actors: Bio and Credits.
4 [New Feature] New report: Elements and the scenes they are in.
5 [Improvement] Crew Department report now prints secondary (and other additional) crew titles if they exist.
6 [Bug Fix] Modifying a category for an element in the Elements module (i.e. Special Effects to Props), would not update the category change in the breakdown sheets summary and breakdown sheets report. This has been fixed.
7 [Bug Fix] Locations module would not always save photos for locations in a save schedule file. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] Saving a schedule out to a backup file sometimes would result in a corrupted backup/saved file. This has been fixed.
9 [Bug Fix] Call Sheet report did not print secondary crew title correctly if entered in the Contacts module as a second crew title. This has been fixed.
10 [Bug Fix] Crew Call Sheet report did not print for single days in Windows. This has been fixed.
11 [Bug Fix] Gorilla Guide did not launch from the Manual menu. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.0.8 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
(covers 5.0.6-5.0.8) || What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Ability to enter Notes on the Detail level of the budget. Also added a new preference that allows printing of notes in the footer of the Detail Budget report.
2 [New Feature] Ability to export Stripboard to a tab-separated text file.
3 [New Feature] Ability to select multiple detail line items in the budget for a single account and attach a fringe to the entire set in one action.
4 [New Feature] Enhanced Budget Header information option including ability to add and save a logo with a budget file, professional information additions such as Prep, Shoot, Script Date, etc.
5 [New Feature] Added manual ability to push or remove a breakdown sheet to the stripboard from the Breakdown Sheets screen
6 [Improvement] One Line Schedule and Stripboard (Landscape) has more room to print Board ID’s.
7 [Improvement] You now have the option of adding Quantity of element display to the Shooting Schedule report. For example: ORANGES (12).
8 [Improvement] Auto Calculate Topsheet On/Off preference added. When turned off, the topsheet will not automatically recalculate if changes are made which increases speed of navigtion and other functions.
9 [Improvement] Banner text is now centered on the Stripboard and on reports.
10 [Improvement] When saving a schedule, if the schedule name was modified, that new name would appear as the saved file name (in the finder), however not reflected in the save file name when loaded back into Gorilla. This has been changed. In addition changing a schedule name has been made easier via a new button has been added to the Schedule Manager.
11 [Improvement] When saving a budget, if the budget name was modified, that new name would appear as the saved file name (in the finder), however not reflected in the save file name when loaded back into Gorilla. This has been changed.
12 [Improvement] Added a preference for Call Sheets to print the header on every page.
13 [Bug Fix] Entering certain non-standard characters into a banner on the stripboard, then saving, would cause the stripboard to lose strips. This has been fixed.
14 [Bug Fix] One Line Schedule report did not show proper Board ID’s for Cast Members. This has been fixed.
15 [Bug Fix]

If Production Company address not entered or selected a “,” (comma) would display. This has been fixed.

16 [Bug Fix] Printing Day out of Days report with Page Setup A4, cut off the right edges. This has been fixed.
17 [Bug Fix]

The Edit menu (cut, copy, paste) was not available to Crew Call Times screen. This has been fixed.

18 [Bug Fix] Crew report that prints address and phone did not print crew titles, but instead printed an ID number. This has been fixed.
19 [Bug Fix] When deleting a schedule all new crew titles would be removed from all loaded schedules. This has been fixed.
20 [Bug Fix] Crew Call Sheet did not print default phone/e-mail selection in every instance of that report (A4, US Letter, US Legal). This has been fixed.
21 [Bug Fix] Calendar display would sometimes show colored lines from different schedules not currently loaded and would be inaccurate. This has been fixed.
22 [Bug Fix] Phone/E-mail address on Scene/Cast Call Sheet sometimes crossed over into Makeup times for Cast. This has been fixed.
23 [Bug Fix] Somtimes Day out of Days report would run based on a stripboard that was not the default board. The Update Shoot days command in the Calendar will now fix this issue. Also if shoot days have been recreated from scratch, the DOOD report would not update properly. A new “Update DOOD” button has been added as an option to select before running the DOOD report that will update all shoot days properly.
24 [Bug Fix] When creating a new element in the Element Manager, the new element would be highlighted in the list of elements on the left, but would not be selected for the detail entry on the screen. This has been fixed.
25 [Bug Fix] When saving a schedule name it would not always save the name with the schedule name entered in the Save Dialog box, but would revert to the previous saved name. This has been fixed.
26 [Bug Fix] Creating a new Location in the Budget module on the Detail level did not work. This has been fixed.
27 [Bug Fix] Character Description Report did not print Age Range. This has been fixed.
28 [Bug Fix] Phase start and end dates on the Shoot Days tab in the Edit Phase window did not display proper start and end dates if the phase was flagged as a Non-Shoot Days phase. This has been fixed.
29 [Bug Fix] Adding and removing production companies for the report headers for Scheduling from the Project screen did not update properly. This has been fixed.
30 [Bug Fix] Windows only: Gorilla would sometimes shut down if not connected to the Internet. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.0.5 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] New report: Character Description report
2 [New Feature] New report: Black & White Stripboard report
3 [New Feature] New report: Print Companies with Addresses
4 [New Feature] New report: Print Companies with Contacts
5 [New Feature] Scheduling: Smart Call Times feature: Change Call Time for a Shoot Day and option to automatically change all crew call times to the new call time. Also automatically updates breakfast, first meals, first and last shots, camera and crew wrap times based on new call time.
6 [New Feature] Reports: New Option for Landscape Stripboard report: Preference to display more board ID’s and not print the location.
7 [New Feature] Reports: Added field “Script Day” to Shooting Schedule report.
8 [New Feature] Reports: Ability to suppress zero’s (empty) budget lines so that they do not print on the Topsheet or the Account level budget reports.
9 [Improvement] Scheduling: Holding down the Option key (Alt key Windows) will suppress the linking of an element when adding that element to a breakdown sheet.
10 [Improvement] Budgeting: Ability to add a Production Company/Address/Phone/Website info to the budget (appears in the header) without the previous restriction of having to link the budget to a schedule to grab the Production Company information from the schedule.
11 [Improvement] Reports: Crew Call Time now prints on Scene/Cast Call Sheet report.
12 [Improvement] Reports: Added Revision number on the footer of the Topsheet, Account, and Detail reports for the budget.
13 [Improvement] Reports: Option to print Day out of Days report with Off Days as shaded boxes.
14 [Bug Fix] Stripboard: Saving the stripboard sometimes created a blank white board. This has been fixed.
15 [Bug Fix]

Stripboard: Moving multiple strips sometimes caused the stripboard to rearrange improperly. This has been fixed.

16 [Bug Fix] Stripboard: Certain non-standard characters on the breakdown sheets which would appear on the stripboard would cause the board to freeze. This has been fixed.
17 [Bug Fix]

Scheduling: The Import Occurrences feature when importing an Element from a schedule to a budget did not work when nothing was selected in the Import to Amount field. This has been fixed.

18 [Bug Fix] Scheduling: Import screenplay from the My Screenplays folder sometimes did not work as expected. This has been fixed.
19 [Bug Fix] Scheduling: When creating a new schedule, the contact categories (Actors, Crew, Agents/Mgs) did not always appear on the screen. This has been fixed.
20 [Bug Fix] Budgeting: Duplicating an account item in the budget only duplicated the first detail line item. This has been fixed.
21 [Bug Fix] Contacts: Deleting a crew member from the contact module would not delete the related crew call time scheduled for that person in the Schedule. This has been fixed.
22 [Bug Fix] Contacts: Crew titles would sometimes disappear from the Contacts module. This has been fixed.
23 [Bug Fix] Contacts: Attaching an agent/manager to a crew member did not always work as expected. This has been fixed.
24 [Bug Fix] Reports: Day out of Days sometimes did not print all shoot days for a schedule. This has been fixed.
25 [Bug Fix] Reports: Removed the title header from the 2nd page of the Call Sheet.
26 [Bug Fix] Reports: A4 - Scene Cast Call Sheet with option to print Locations displayed element ID’s on right hand side of the page. This has been fixed.
27 [Bug Fix] Reports: Scene Cast Call Sheet sometimes printed random characters where a vertical line should be. This has been fixed.
28 [Bug Fix] Reports: Total Page Count would sometimes not print on stripboard reports. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.0.3 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] New report: Shot List. Prints a shot list report from the Storyboard module (no Storyboard graphic).
2 [New Feature] New report: Blackout Dates
3 [Improvement] Quantity field for number of same element attached to breakdown sheets now can appear on the Breakdown Sheet Box display and report and the Breakdown Summary report with the preference: Print Quantity of Element.
4 [Improvement] Shows Blackout element flag and reason on Shooting Schedule report.
5 [Bug Fix] The phone/e-mail field on the Scene/Cast Call Sheet now prints the default phone/e-mail set in the Contact record for the actor or crew member.
6 [Bug Fix]

Stripboard report preferences: Print Boneyard Strips and Print Banners options did not work. This has been fixed.

7 [Bug Fix] When creating a new account in Expenses, sometimes could not select it in the pop-down menu. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix]

Changing a Category color in Breakdown Sheet did not work. This has been fixed.

9 [Bug Fix] Attaching a union rate to a crew member or actor in the Contacts module from The Gorilla Ratebook sometimes did not work. This has been fixed.
10 [Bug Fix] When relinking elements, if an element was already attached to a breakdown sheet it would add that element again to the breakdown sheet. This has been fixed.
11 [Bug Fix] When relinking elements, it would sometimes duplicate the elements several times on the breakdown sheet. This has been fixed.
12 [Bug Fix] Total Fringes did not print on Detail level report if the budget was not the first budget in the list of loaded budgets.
13 [Bug Fix] In-Kind feature on Detail level of the budget did not attach the In-Kind amount to the detail line item. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.0.2 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Now have the ability to custom sort crew on Scene/Cast Call Sheets.
2 [Improvement] Added Total Days Worked to Day out of Days report, so you can see how many days an actor works.
3 [Improvement] Import Schedule into Budget now includes the amount of days an actor is scheduled for shooting (based on running the Day out of Days report).
4 [Improvement] Save as Template checkbox now shows a message when selected, explaining what saving a budget as a template does.
5 [Improvement] Now have the ability to display the budget title or the linked schedule name on the Topsheet, Account, and Detail reports for the budget.
6 [Bug Fix]

Budget Cutoff for Fringe Benefit by Flat Rate did not work properly. It now cuts off the total hours for the detail line item with the attached fringe by flat rate.

7 [Bug Fix] Sheet # on Stripboard report was overlapping the Sheet # label. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix]

Added Page Count on Stripboard Landscape report.

9 [Bug Fix] Commas for Board ID’s would display on the Stripboard reports if there were Extras in the Scene. This has been removed.
10 [Bug Fix] Select all Actors for import into the Budget from the Schedule only imported one actor. Now it imports all actors for the project and now adds their shoot day count (total days worked) from the Day out of Days report.
11 [Bug Fix] Sometimes when going to the Elements screen and selecting the Category to display the list of elements for the schedule an error would appear saying, “No elements created for this Schedule” when indeed there were elements. This has been fixed.
12 [Bug Fix]

Sometimes deleted detail line items appeared on the budget detail report. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 5.0.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes
|| What's new in 5.0

1 [New Feature] Added Budget Category Notes Report
2 [Improvement] Added the ability to copy/paste into the create new phone/e-mail dialog box
3 [Improvement] If no default Cast Types were seen in the Cast Type list (Elements), a user would have to click the Default button to create default Cast Types. This is now done automatically.
4 [Improvement] Added the ability to move an element from the Cast Members category to another Category.
5 [Improvement] Added INT/EXT. SET - DAY/NIGHT to the header section of the Breakdown Sheet report.
6 [Improvement]

Upon launching Gorilla it will now automatically check for the latest version and display a message if you do not have the latest version. This feature can be disabled.

7 [Improvement] Improved progress dialog box when importing Movie Magic Budget.
8 [Improvement]

The Budget Toolbar has two orientations: Horizontal and Vertical. Every time a budget would open the default would always display Vertical. Now the last user choice is saved and the orientation will display accordingly unless changed.

9 [Improvement] A few Ratebook improvements and fixes have been made
10 [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue whereby the Stripboard would sometimes freeze (ability to move strips not available) under certain conditions.
11 [Bug Fix] Command to "Duplicate Breakdown Sheet" would not add the duplicated strip to the Stripboard. This has been fixed.
12 [Bug Fix]

When adding or removing Shoot Days the Stripboard would only update the default board. This has been fixed and now all boards are automatically updated with the changes.

13 [Bug Fix] The characters "", : , and ; were not recognized in the Synopsis and Set field for the Stripboard and caused a blank board to be drawn. This has been fixed.
14 [Bug Fix] If command "Save Board as..." was invoked on a board that was not saved, both the new board and the original board would lose all changes.
15 [Bug Fix] When deleting a banner on the Stripboard, behind the dialog box would display a random screen with text on it. This has been fixed.
16 [Bug Fix] Import Contacts from another schedule did not work properly. This has been fixed.
17 [Bug Fix] When creating a new element when there are no elements in any schedule the OK and Cancel buttons were not displayed on the new dialog box. This has been fixed.
18 [Bug Fix] A long element name would bleed over on the Linked Elements page to other text. This has been fixed.
19 [Bug Fix] Auto-Budget Builder displayed an incorrect last account.
20 [Bug Fix] Creating a global in a Global Group did not copy the Units to that global. This has been fixed.
21 [Bug Fix] Creating globals in the Local Globals screen sometimes would not create the global. This has been fixed.
22 [Bug Fix] When entering a flat fee for a fringe a dialog box would display: "This action cannot be performed...". This has been fixed.
23 [Bug Fix] Fixed reported issues with Import Excel Budget feature.
24 [Bug Fix] Fixed reported issues with Import Movie Magic Budget feature.
25 [Bug Fix] Fixed reported issues with 2010-2011 Ratebook not being able to be activated.
26 [Bug Fix] Country would not appear on Report/Logo Headers for reports. This has been fixed.
27 [Bug Fix] When printing the default Page Setup setting was print from page 1 to 1, resulting in only the first page being printed. The default has now been reset to Print All Pages. This setting can still be changed to print any range desired.

Gorilla 4.9 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Supports 2010-2011 Ratebook with nearly 9,000 union labor rates from 81 unions including completely expanded rates for LA, NY & Canada and for the first time, rates for Florida, Chicago & Area Standards Agreement
2 [Improvement] Improved Ratebook integration including streamlined rate selection & navigation
3 [Bug Fix] Filter by month view fixed in Accounting module.
4 [Bug Fix] When running an update from a previous version, report names were sometimes duplicated. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] After exporting budget detail records to an Excel format, all detail line items for the budget were displayed on the screen. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Update Shoot Days in the Setup Globals was not always updating the shoot days from the schedule. This has been fixed.
7 [Bug Fix] Edit pull-down menu in the Setup Globals screen had improper options. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.8.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [Bug Fix] Adding actors to characters on the Elements/Characters tab was not working properly in 4.8.0. This has been fixed.
2 [Bug Fix] Adding multiple crew positions for a single crew member to a shoot day did not work properly. This has been fixed.
3 [Bug Fix] Import Actors in the People module was not working properly. This has been fixed.
4 [Bug Fix] When recreating Shoot Days the old crew scheduled was not properly deleted, possibly leaving ghost crew on the old, deleted days. Although not a real problem, it could cause problems if the original days were recreated. The old crew will now be deleted.
5 [Bug Fix] When printing a Equipment Needed for Shots report, if the description of the shot was longer than the allotted space, it would bleed over to the label of Shot/Not Shot. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Fringes were sometimes lost. A “rebuild fringes” process has been created behind the scenes to rebuild any lost fringes.
7 [Bug Fix] Shift All Shoot Days did not shift the last shoot day. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] Casting Description in the Elements/Characters tab did not save in the save schedule .grs file. This has been fixed.
9 [Bug Fix] If no Last Name in the the Crew module was given to a crew member, the list of crew on the left-hand side displayed a blank space and then a comma and then the First Name. This has been adjusted.
10 [Bug Fix] In the Accounting module the Paste command now works.
11 [Bug Fix] Format #3 on the stripboard display would cut off the Set and D/N fields. More room has been given to both of these fields.
12 [Bug Fix] When on a Mac and when clicking the close box on the Index Card display on the breakdown sheets screen, Gorilla asked you if you want to close the program. Now it just closes the window.
13 [Bug Fix] If a phase was not selected and the Storyboard button was clicked, Gorilla would take you to a small Gorilla screen. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.8 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Gorilla 4.8.0 now includes over 50 new budget templates to choose from including animation, international and TV budgets.
2 [New Feature] New Auto-Budget Loader allows users to quickly load a budget template without searching for the file on their hard drive.
3 [New Feature] Gorilla 4.8.0 now imports Movie Magic (and EP) budgets including Category (Topsheet), Account level and Detail line items from an Movie Magic or EP exported text file.
4 [New Feature] Ability to copy an actor record to another project. A new pull-down menu called: Copy Actor Record to Another Project has been added to the Edit menu.
5 [New Feature] Ability to copy a crew record to another project. A new pull-down menu called: Copy Crew Record to Another Project has been added to the Edit menu.
6 [New Feature] Ability to import actors from one project to another. Now under the Edit menu there is an option called: Import Actors from Another Project, which allows you to hand-pick an actor from any loaded Gorilla project to be copied to the current project.
7 [New Feature] Ability to import crew from one project to another. Now under the Edit menu there is an option called: Import Crew from Another Project, which allows you to hand-pick a crew member from any loaded Gorilla project to be copied to the current project.
8 [New Feature] Ability to import vendors from one project to another. Now under the Edit menu there is an option called: Import Vendor from Another Project, which allows you to hand-pick a vendor from any loaded Gorilla project to be copied to the current project.
9 [New Feature] Ability to import other contacts from one project to another. Now under the Edit menu there is an option called: Import Other Contact from Another Project, which allows you to hand-pick other contacts from any loaded Gorilla project to be copied to the current project.
10 [Improvement] Closing a window using the operating system's close box does not shut down the entire program, but instead closes the open window and/or goes to the Main Menu, whichever is most appropriate.
11 [Improvement] The buttons: Budget, Accounting, & Profits have now been added to the toolbar in the Scheduling module to quickly navigate to the Budgeting module without having to first go to the Main Menu.
12 [Improvement] When adding a new crew member, he/she is automatically added to the project, saving the user a step of manually attaching the crew member to the project.
13 [Improvement] When creating a new crew member and adding a title to that crew member, the corresponding crew department is automatically attached to the crew member.
14 [Improvement] Crew members can now be deleted from the List View, saving an extra step over previous versions.
15 [Improvement] The checkbox: Show Page Count is now on the Stripboard, so you can toggle this preference on or off without leaving the Stripboard to go to the Preferences screen to change it there
16 [Improvement] Cancel button has been added to New Project.
17 [Improvement] After adding a new category in the budget, the display will automatically sort by category id.
18 [Improvement] If a screenplay is imported and the scenes are not numbered, Gorilla will not import the screenplay and display an error explaining that the screenplay needs to be numbered in the screenplay program before exported to the .sex file format.
19 [Improvement] One Line Schedule report. If you select: Display Character Names instead of Character ID's this report will now print the character names.
20 [Improvement] The checkbox: Show Page Count is now on the Stripboard, so you can toggle this preference on or off without leaving the Stripboard to go to the Preferences screen to change it there.
21 [Improvement] The pull-down menu "View has been added to the Budget Selector screen with the options, Preferences, Value Lists and Rate Book. Previously this pull-down menu was available only when in the budget (topsheet, etc).
22 [Improvement] In Budgeting module, Captions & Headers screen is easier to access. Now it is available on the Budget Selector screen with a button next to the budget name.
23 [Improvement] After running a "Cast List by Type" report and returning to the Actors screen, all Actors for all projects would be displayed. Now only Actors for the current project are displayed.
24 [Improvement] After running a "Cast/Character List" report and returning to the Actors screen, all Actors for all projects would be displayed. Now only Actors for the current project are displayed.
25 [Improvement] After running a "Cast w/Address" report and returning to the Actors screen, all Actors for all projects would be displayed. Now only Actors for the current project are displayed.
26 [Improvement] The report "Actor List Phones" displayed all actors for all projects. Now it displays and prints only Actors for the current project.
27 [Improvement] The report "Actors List Address" displayed all actors for all projects. Now it displays and prints only Actors for the current project.
28 [Improvement] The report: Contacts/All Crew would display crew for all projects in Gorilla. Now it prints only crew for currently selected project.
29 [Improvement] When sorting actors in the Actor screen, the list will display the actors by the proper sort. In previous versions, the sort was correct, but it would not display the names correctly. For example, if you sort by LAST NAME, the display will now show: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME.
30 [Improvement] When sorting crew in the Crew screen, the list will display the crew by the proper sort. In previous versions, the sort was correct, but it would not display the names correctly. For example, if you sort by LAST NAME, the display will now show: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME.
31 [Improvement] In the Accounting module, if you attempted to go to the Transaction Register tab and have not yet linked a budget to the account you would see a blank screen. Now a message pops up asking you to link to a budget before creating a transactions for that account.
32 [Improvement] When printing a Vendor report, if no Vendors were created for that project, a message would appear asking the user to create a new Vendor. Now it displays a dialog that says, "No Vendors found for this project".
33 [Bug Fix] Chart of Accounts Report did not show correct budget name.
34 [Bug Fix] The List Crew screen displayed crew from all projects as opposed to crew just for the current project.
35 [Bug Fix] The header in budget reports displayed the Project Name twice. It would display: Project Name and then above it would display: Budget for: Project Name. This has been fixed.
36 [Bug Fix] Import Crew did not work from an exported Gorilla Crew file. This is now fixed.
37 [Bug Fix] On the Elements/Breakdown screen the word "Breakdown" was on the screen. This text has been removed.
38 [Bug Fix] Day Schedule Report did not print properly.
39 [Bug Fix] When deleting an account level item in the budget, sometimes a "records not found" message was displayed when attempting to delete related fringes to that account. This has been fixed.
40 [Bug Fix] When deleting a category row in the section view of the topsheet, all categories would display causing the user to go back to the topsheet and then re-enter the category section view to fix the found records set. This has been fixed.
41 [Bug Fix] Sometimes you could not attach a cast member to a character because an error would appear saying this cast member is already attached to a character. This has been fixed.
42 [Bug Fix] Import Vendors did not work from an exported Gorilla Vendors file. This is now fixed.
43 [Bug Fix] Other Contacts record in the list on the left did not highlight when selected.
44 [Bug Fix] E-mail flag for Contacts and Vendors was not working.
45 [Bug Fix] Other Contacts record count on the bottom of the page showed All Contacts for all projects, not just for the current project.
46 [Bug Fix] Scene/Cast Call Sheet: If Location Address was empty it displayed the location name, otherwise it would only display the address (not the name).
47 [Bug Fix] Changed the crew title in the pop-up list in the Crew module from "UPM" to "Unit Production Manager" because Scene/Cast Call Sheet looks for crew title "Unit Production Manager" to display on header, not crew title "UPM".
48 [Bug Fix] When copying a detail line item and then pasting it an import dialog box would appear. This has been fixed.
49 [Bug Fix] When in the Boneyard on the Stripboard, the Sort option under the Stripboard pull-down menu sorted the Stripboard, not the Boneyard. The Sort button has now been disabled in the Boneyard screen.
50 [Bug Fix] When running a DOOD (Day out of Days) report if the shoot days have been changed and not updated using the "Update Shoot Days option under the Edit pull-down menu, not all days would display on the screen or the print-out. This has been fixed.
51 [Bug Fix] When saving the active budget from the Projects screen (Save/Load tab) and canceling the save, the budget would continue to save and prompt the user to save the file. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.7.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Allows import of 2009/2010 Ratebook, which now includes Commercials.
2 [Improvement] People are now attached to projects. Previous versions displayed all the actors, crew, vendors and other contacts in the People module for all projects. 4.7 only displays actors, crew, vendors and other contacts for the current project.
3 [Improvement] The structure for the saved Schedule (.grs) file has been improved. In previous versions, when an actor was created and not cast in a project, they were not included in the saved file. Now, in 4.7, all people (actors, crew, vendors, and other contacts) created within the project are saved with the Schedule file.
4 [Bug Fix] The Add New Prep/Shoot/Wrap Line Item in the Budgeting Module did not allow Fringes to be attached. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] The Gorilla application name used to have the version number after it (i.e.: Gorilla 4.7.0) which sometimes caused launch problems on the Mac OS. The version number has now been removed from the application name.

Gorilla 4.7 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] New Boneyard Report shows strips that are in the boneyard.
2 [New Feature] Added a new preference to show either Name and Crew Title in Crew Navigator window or just Name to consolidate space.
3 [New Feature] Insert Daybreak (Stripboard module) will now insert a new daybreak at the end of the stripboard with a new shoot day, if another shoot day has not yet been created. In other words, you can create shoot days directly from the stripboard.
4 [New Feature] The One-Line Schedule Report now displays banners that were inserted into the Stripboard. Create banners to specify lunch breaks, company moves, meetings, etc. When inserted into the Stripboard banners will print on the One-Line Schedule report.
5 [New Feature] Every shoot day must have a crew call time. To facilitate this, we added a feature that will auto-enter the Crew Call Time as 6:00 AM.
6 [Improvement] Shot List/Storyboard module easier to use and navigate through. Other minor improvements to this module have been made.

Gorilla 4.6.2 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [Bug Fix] Importing a screenplay did not attach characters to breakdown sheets.
2 [Bug Fix] Atmosphere and Stand-ins did not print on Scene/Cast Call Sheets.
3 [Bug Fix] Fringe Lines were not updating globally.

Gorilla 4.6.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Better Windows Vista Compatibility.
2 [New Feature] Better Windows 7 Compatibility.
3 [Improvement] Screenplay import screen consolidated and simpler to use.

Gorilla 4.6 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Ability to add notes to a breakdown sheet on an Index Card and then print out Index Cards in a report format.
2 [New Feature] Ability to import a StoryO export file.
3 [New Feature] Demo limited to 30 launches or 15 days, whichever comes first.
4 [New Feature] When saving if save error occurs will automatically go into Quick Save.
5 [Bug Fix] Removed fields to the right of Accounts/Transaction Register, add account.
6 [Bug Fix] Updating Fringes Globally sometimes did not update all fringes. This has been fixed.
7 [Bug Fix] Combine Characters bug fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] Accounting module: The Account field now shows up in the list.

Gorilla 4.5.5 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [Bug Fix] Day Out of Days Report. Elements appeared which were not supposed to be in the report when there were empty/null breakdown sheets.
2 [Bug Fix] Variance Report: Fixed.
3 [Bug Fix] Subgroups in the budget were not saved in the budget (.grb file).

Gorilla 4.5.4 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] 4.5.4 supports 2008/2009 Ratebook (must be purchased separately).
2 [Bug Fix] Compare budget did not work. It has been fixed and will work with two budgets with similar category ID's.
3 [Bug Fix] Elements by Category Detail did not work in Windows.
4 [Bug Fix] Deleting an Account line item with related Detail line items had a bug which could delete other detail line items that were not supposed to be deleted.
5 [Bug Fix] Fringes still had some problems disappearing after attaching them to detail line items.

Gorilla 4.5.3 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [Improvement] Minor adjustments/improvements to the overall interface.
2 [Bug Fix] Could not add a fringe line item to an existing fringe category just for a specific detail line item. This has been fixed.
3 [Bug Fix] If fringes were modified in a Fringe Category, they did not always update all detail line items with the modified or added fringe. This has been fixed.
4 [Bug Fix] Changing a Character name in Elements did not change the name of the character on the characters tab. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] When merging breakdown sheets sometimes an error would appear displaying that the breakdown sheet could not be found. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Strips moved to the boneyard would still sum in the total page count for the displayed end of day break strip. This has been fixed.
7 [Bug Fix] Deleting an element did not work properly. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] On Breakdown sheets, sorting the elements attached to a scene did not work when the "Sort by Category" option was selected. This has been fixed.
9 [Bug Fix] The Subgroup Exclude feature would not reflect properly in the Account Level report. This has been fixed.
10 [Bug Fix] In preferences when the "More Room on Stripboard" option was selected, the banners would not print on the stripboard even though "Print Banners on Stripboard" option was selected. This has been fixed.
11 [Bug Fix] On the Breakdown Sheets screen, clicking on the Link button in the Elements column would not go to the related element record. This has been fixed.
12 [Bug Fix] 11 reports still had "Licensee Name" in the footer of the report. This has been removed.
13 [Bug Fix] Advanced Schedule on the Scene/Cast Call Sheet sometimes did not print correct schedule for 3rd day. This has been fixed.
14 [Bug Fix] Advanced Schedule would still print scenes that were placed in the Boneyard. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.5.2 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Crew Call Sheet Report: An option in Preferences was added to not print crew phone numbers on the Crew Call Sheet.
2 [New Feature] Added the ability to delete all actors in system (all projects).
3 [New Feature] Added the ability to delete all crew in system (all projects).
4 [Bug Fix] Reports: Could not print the last 5 reports in the Contacts module because the list was cut off to select those reports. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] When going to the Location module the location portal on the left hand side was not automatically selected. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] When in Elements, selecting Value Lists would take you to create a new category. This is no longer needed in 4.5.
7 [Bug Fix] The Day Schedule Report did not cue up all shoot days specified in a date range to print. It stopped printing when a Day Off or Holiday approached. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.5.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Cast Call Times portal now sorts by Schedule ID.
2 [New Feature] Scene Cast Call Sheet: Advanced Schedule now displays banners.
3 [Improvement] When updating from earlier versions, Schedule ID's on the stripboard did not automatically update. It had to be done manually with the Update Schedule IDs command. Now this is done automatically after updating.
4 [Bug Fix] Cast Call Times portal on left sometimes displays more than one highlighted date, although only one should be highlighted.
5 [Bug Fix] Element Manager: Sometimes characters show for a different project. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Preferences for Reports: The Show Element ID on Breakdown Sheet checkbox did not work. This has been fixed.
7 [Bug Fix] Clicking project on Logo and Save/Load tab did not switch project. This has been fixed.
8 [Bug Fix] In the Detail Budget Report the Account Title displayed a "1" in the column. This has been removed.
9 [Bug Fix] When converting a Schedule ID in Characters, the stripboard displayed multiple Schedule IDs. This has been fixed.
10 [Bug Fix] When deleting a Fringe Category along with all associated fringe line items, Gorilla did not completely delete all related elements. This has been fixed.
11 [Bug Fix] When deleting a Fringe Line Item from a Fringe Category not all elements were deleted properly.

Gorilla 4.5 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Added the ability to access project information directly from the Main Menu with the new Project Management button.
2 [New Feature] Enhanced Element Manager: Click a Category and instantly see all the related elements for that category.
3 [New Feature] Better Budget Export to Excel: Three new budget exports added: Topsheet, Account, and Detail, which allows simple and direct export to a .txt file for easy import directly into Excel. This way anyone can modify budget data even if they don't have a copy of Gorilla.
4 [New Feature] Export to Quickbooks: You can now export 4 sets of data into Quickbooks (or any other Accounting package), including Customers, Vendors, Accounts (from budget) and Items (from budget). After exporting. Open Quickbooks and use their mapping feature to match up the exported fields.
5 [New Feature] Updated Ratebook with 2007/2008 Rates. Ratebook must be purchased separately, but if you own the 2006/2007 Ratebook this upgrade is included.
6 [New Feature] Ability to sort elements on breakdown sheet display by either ID, Element Name, or Category.
7 [New Feature] Ability to add a Location to the Value list menu.
8 [New Feature] Made it easier to create a schedule if you are not importing a screenplay. Many users were not importing screenplays and it was cumbersome to create a schedule without importing a screenplay. The workflow process of creating production phases, shoot days and stripboards is now much easier and more intuitive.
9 [Improvement] Licensee name no longer shows on bottom of all reports.

Gorilla 4.1.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] E-Mail Flagged People would separate multiple e-mails by chevrons <>, not by commas, which was not supported by Apple's Mail application. Users now have the option of separating e-mails by chevrons or commas.
2 [Bug Fix] The Level Budget Report: Account Title Name appears as: 1. This has been fixed.
3 [Bug Fix] Clicking on an actor in the Actor list view did not work. This has been fixed.
4 [Bug Fix] Windows Only: When deleting a Detail Line Item and it is the last detail line item in the account, the windows minimize. This has been fixed.
5 [Bug Fix] Windows Only: When creating a new budget manually and clicking on the blue arrow to go to the Account screen to create a new account, after the account is created, the windows minimize. This has been fixed.
6 [Bug Fix] Windows Only: When using Smart Entry and selecting: All Elements (Select Category) it only worked the first time, and subsequently it minimized windows and would not display the Schedule Groups module. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.1 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Number of days now prints on Scene/Cast Call Sheet.
2 [New Feature] Added the ability to unlink Breakdown Sheets from Locations. There is now a red minus sign in the portal in the Locations module that removes a breakdown sheet from a location. It does not delete the actual sheet, just unlinks it from the location.
3 [New Feature] Added the ability to delete all elements in a Category in one keystroke. This can now be done by going to the Category screen, selected a category, and then clicking on the red "X" on the right side of the screen, on top of all the elements for that category.
4 [New Feature] Added a new menu item called: List Elements in the Elements module. You can also OMIT line items from view.
5 [New Feature] Added ability to Remove Selected Day Breaks... (multiple day breaks that are selected) in one pull-down menu.
6 [New Feature] Deleting all elements from the Element Manager now provides the option to delete elements per category and not only for the whole project. It also does not allow deletion of Case Member elements.
7 [Improvement] When adding a cast member to a rehearsal session the window would close after a selection and you would have to open the window again to select a second cast member. Now, the window does not close.
8 [Improvement] The tabs in the Storyboard module have been updated to be less confusing. Instead of a Storyboard tab it has been changed to Shots. Then the other tabs such as Continuity, Cast Members in Shot and Equipment Needed for Shot no longer have the sub-tabs that are under Shots.
9 [Improvement] Modified header in Breakdown Sheets screen to display the Day Number and the Shoot Day if the breakdown sheet is scheduled, or to display: Not Scheduled, if it is not scheduled on the stripboard.
10 [Improvement] When adding a project to an actor in the People module, you can now select from a list of available projects. Also improved is that the record is not created until you select a character.
11 [Bug Fix] The Art Department report sometimes printed gibberish. This has been fixed.
12 [Bug Fix] The Shooting Schedule report sometimes printed some gibberish. This has been fixed.
13 [Bug Fix] From Cast Call Times to Elements: Would bring up the Gorilla Logo. This has been fixed.
14 [Bug Fix] After Shifting All Shoot Days (Shoot Days screen), scheduled elements would not be updated to reflect the new shoot days. This has been fixed.
15 [Bug Fix] If you added an element to a breakdown sheet and the element was still highlighted and you immediately duplicated that breakdown sheet, it would duplicate the elements but not the sheet. This has been fixed.
16 [Bug Fix] When duplicating breakdown sheet without any elements attached to it, the program would freeze. This has been fixed.
17 [Bug Fix] When splitting a scene without any elements attached to it, the program would freeze. If this happens now, a dialog box appears to have them duplicate the sheet instead.
18 [Bug Fix] Importing a Shot List (Text) from the Shot List screen would bring up an error that the menu item was not found. This has been fixed.
19 [Bug Fix] When changing the name of a category, the new name would not be reflected in the Elements Manager tab. This has been fixed.
20 [Bug Fix] The Find Element menu item was not working properly. Now it works and the results page takes you to the new list screen (above).
21 [Bug Fix] Cast Call Times did not have a Modules menu. This has been fixed.
22 [Bug Fix] From the Stripboard screen, when Storyboard button was clicked it would sometimes go to the Breakdown module instead. This has been fixed.
23 [Bug Fix] When Changing All Schedule ID's (for Elements), the Schedule ID numbers on the Stripboard would be wrong. This has been fixed.
24 [Bug Fix] Chart of Accounts report also showed accounts from the Accounting module.
25 [Bug Fix] When deleting a group of elements using the red "X" button, when going from the Manager tab to the Characters tab, incorrect project characters were appearing. This has been fixed.
26 [Bug Fix] Two-Column mode: When a strip on the green side (to insert) was selected and then another strip was selected to make green, it would highlight both green strips. This has been fixed.
27 [Bug Fix] Sunrise and Sunset were reversed when importing a screenplay. This has been fixed.
28 [Bug Fix] When exiting Gorilla and stripboard changes have been made but not saved, a dialog box would appear asking if you want to save the stripboard. If you would have selected "Yes", it did not save the stripboard. This has been fixed and the stripboard is now saved.
29 [Bug Fix] When running a Day out of Days report, if there were more than one phase with the same dates, the report would not be correct. This has been fixed.

Gorilla 4.0 Added Features, Improvements & Fixes

1 [New Feature] Gorilla 4 has a new, updated interface from 3.x that makes navigation and working on your projects easier and better.
2 [New Feature] Element Linking: Ability to create a Link Group and then attach multiple elements to that group. When you attach that element to a breakdown sheet all linked elements will also be automatically attached. You can create multiple link groups for each element, for example: Hero in Tuxedo (Elements attached: Black Tuxedo, Top Hat, Diamond Pinkie Ring), Hero on Safari (Elements attached: Explorer Hat, Knife, Canteen, Monkey).
3 [New Feature] Element Blackout: Specify blackout dates for any element (character, prop, set dressing, etc.) and when printing a report which specifies which elements are to be used for that day or when saving changes on the stripboard, a conflict message will appear. You can ignore the conflict message, or run a report that displays what elements conflict with which shoot days.
4 [New Feature] Colored Shot List: Color code your shot types (M.S., C.U., E.C.U.) for easier control on the set. Print out your shot lists sorted by color, set-up order or script order.
5 [New Feature] Attach Cast Members to Each Shot: Go to any scene, then any shot and attach cast members needed for that shot. You can then print a report specifying which actors are needed for which shots.
6 [New Feature] Attach Equipment to Each Shot: Go to any scene, then any shot and attach any piece of equipment needed for that shot. You can then print a report specifying what equipment is needed for which shots.
7 [New Feature] Over 3000 Labor and Union Rates: Gorilla has the most extensive Labor Rate Guide with over 3000 up-to-date rates, including SAG rates for low budget and indie films. With Gorilla's Ratebook attachment, easily attach a rate to any detail line item with simple, pop-up driven menu's. (Subscription-based).
8 [New Feature] Automatic E-Mail: You can now automatically send an e-mail addressed to all your crew, actors, vendors and any other contact, directly from Gorilla. Simply find the people you want to e-mail and select Send E-Mail from the new E-Mail menu in the Contacts module. Your e-mail program will automatically open and all your recipients will populate the To: field.


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